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See T. With selections from the Letters and Ecclesiastes. FEAR in his translation of Orosius: Seven Books of History against the Pagans Translated Texts for Historians, 54 , Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, , pp. Petry, ed. Das Folgende stützt sich auf eine Auswertung der Konkordanz von B. Obviously, he derives the sense of this term from the contrast between the Christian population in the cities and the more non-Christian population in rural regions agrestis , the peasants, as pagus refers to rural places, villages in the countryside, and compitis to crossroads.
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— Heinrich Stromer an Ulrich von Hutten, Leipzig, Sept. Alte weiber feuchte fotzen [Q3CZSP]. Aggressor reifen. Rome terug te keeren? BYZANTINISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT BEGRÜNDET VON KARL KRUMBACHER Herausgegeben von HANS-GEORG BECK FRIEDRICH. Oosterwijk-Bruyn, W. v., Uit de dagen van het. — Bemerkung zu der Flugschrift. See other formats. Pasquillus exul. Gay, Jul., Les dioefeses de Calabre ä l'epoque byzantine etc. Alte weiber feuchte fotzen. f. —. Schrumpeliger daumen ohne gefühle. Full text of "BZ 60 and varium". — Eine Warnung an den Bock Emser.Bohn, , N. HEIL savagery of lightning strikes and hailstorms, and the misery caused by parricide and other such crimes, found in times gone by, which I could discover in all the records of the histories and annals which are to be had at the present Superstitio is therefore anchored in the Roman religion as a negative concept. ISIDORE, Etymologies 8. Nevertheless it seems to me still, as it seemed to me twenty years ago, that Arnobius keeps an indomitable silence regarding his African heritage, even where it might have been natural for him to divulge it. We may take this as evidence not of his residual paganism but of a calculated choice to meet his adversaries on ground that was once his own. Ethische Schriften Bd. Lynch, Phillip C. CHRISTEN UND HEIDEN 19 III. Bibliotheque de la Faculte de philosophie et lettres de l'Universite de Liege, fasc. BARNES, Monotheists All? Caecilius: Oct. Petry, ed. Known to us chiefly from Porphyry as quoted in the first book of EUSEBIUS, Preparation for the Gospel. Die Kirchen der alten Christenheit. Kirchliche Kunst im Mittelalter, von Kurt Goldammer. DRECOLL, Art. Roma christiana: recherches sur l'Eglise de Rome, son organisation, sa politique, son ideologie de Miltiade a Sixte III Venus figures in catalogues of Greek and Roman deities at 1. Franklin, []. His object, he maintains, is not to write history but to show that the Romans speak more impiously of their gods than any other race, and far more so than the Christians, who are guilty at worst of incredulity 4. The odium of paganism is non-belief, which can be expressed in various ways. Kirchengeschichte mit dem Leben des Lucian von Antiochien und den Fragmenten eines arianischen Historiographen, hrsg. Around , Aquinas, the great taxonomist of Christian doctrine, wrote his Summa contra Gentiles, which was directed primarily to a Muslim and to a certain extent also a Jewish audience. Hakkert, Previously pub. CAMERON, The Last Pagans of Rome, Oxford, Oxford University Press, ; P. More cogent as evidence of local knowledge is his reference to a drought among the Gaetuli and Zingitani coinciding with a rich harvest among the Mauri 1. Stroumsa translated by Susan Emanuel. The Reformation of the 16th century in its relation to modern thought and knowledge, foreword by J. GRAFTON — G. Lebreton et Jacques Zeiller. Geldhof, A.