Every year in July, the pulse of the queer scene beats faster in Berlin. A highlight of Berlin's event calendar are the Pride Weeksduring which the capital celebrates respect and tolerance with the Lesbian and Gay Street Festival and Christopher Street Day Berlin Pride. The German capital is traditionally also the capital of the rainbow : for a long time, one of the largest European communities of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex LGBTI people has been an integral part of Berlin life, and the city has become one of the most popular gay travel destinations. A variety of bars and clubs with a diverse range of events are just as inviting as the exhibitions, guided tours and workshops of the Gay Museum. The epicentre of the LGBTI scene is the streets around Nollendorfplatz in Schöneberg, but the variety of offers and events is spread across the entire city and all districts. Zirkus Winter Special: Christmas on the Moon. Read more. Location Zirkus Mond Zirkus Mond. Time pm. Buy tickets. Strategies of Resilience — Insights into the Life of Eberhardt Brucks. Wolf at the Chamäleon. Location Chamäleon Theater in den Hackeschen Höfen Chamäleon Theater in den Hackeschen Höfen Berlin. Young Birds from Strange Mountains. Beyond the Norm? A queer look at gender and sexuality in the ethnological collection. Location Humboldt Forum - Ethnologisches Museum Humboldt Forum - Ethnologisches Museum. Time pm — pm. Pink Grimm: THE SLEEPING Erlin Gay Pride Part 1. Location BKA Theater BKA Theater. The Island of Perverts. Location Deutsches Theater Berlin - Kammerspiele Deutsches Theater Berlin - Kammerspiele. Location Theater im Keller Berlin Theater im Keller Berlin. Time pm — am. Jurassica Parka 10 years of "Sequins always work". SpeedDating XXL Gay. Location Verschiedene Orte Verschiedene Orte. Queer feministisch betrachtet. Location Hamburger Bahnhof - Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart Hamburger Bahnhof - Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart. Queer Feminist Perspective ENGLISH. Location Sophiensaele - Kantine Sophiensaele - Kantine. SALLY — Mein Leben im Drag. Location Volksbühne - Roter Salon Volksbühne - Roter Salon. As You Fucking Like It. A Guide to Self-Synthesis. Location English Theatre Berlin English Theatre Berlin. Location Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz. Rosa von Praunheims Die Bettwurst - Das Musical! Location Bar jeder Vernunft Bar jeder Vernunft. Margot Schlönzke: Margot Schlönzke's Shadow Cabinet. Skip to main content.
Time pm — am. Categories : LGBTQ events in Berlin Pride parades in Germany Culture in Berlin Tourist attractions in Berlin Parades in Berlin Annual events in Berlin Summer events in Germany. A highlight of Berlin's event calendar are the Pride Weeks , during which the capital celebrates respect and tolerance with the Lesbian and Gay Street Festival and Christopher Street Day Berlin Pride. From participants in , the number slowly grew to 5, people in ROUTE FINALE. Hosted by a cheeky comedy duo, Scotty the Bunny and Juan….
Join in the queer scene celebrations
OFFICIAL PRIDE FESTIVAL MAIN PARTY BERLIN Jul 27th, PM to PM PDTJul 27th PM to PM PDT Berlin · Official Website · Expired. The Pride Berlin main event A highlight of Berlin's event calendar are the Pride Weeks, during which the capital celebrates respect and tolerance with the Lesbian and Gay Street Festival. Bei der CSD-Demo in Berlin gehen Menschen für die Rechte von Schwulen, Lesben, Transsexuellen und Transgendern, Inter- und Bisexuellen auf die Straße. The official Pride Festival main party Berlin. Three clubs - three partys - one night - one ticket.This year, the following associations, organizations, parties and brands will be demonstrating at the Berlin CSD Can I make kids turn into lesbians? Guided Tour. Adelaide Brisbane Cairns Daylesford Melbourne Sydney. Body politics are central issues on which conservative and neo- liberal…. Copenhagen Aarhus. V" PDF. Download as PDF Printable version. Even the pandemic and its lockdowns could not harm this…. With The Island of Perverts, Rosa von Praunheim now completes his DT trilogy: Rosa and important co-conspirators from the two previous evenings invent, write, compose, sing and dance for the DT A German Singspiel. Stockholm Gothenburg. Location Verschiedene Orte Verschiedene Orte. Orlando Theatre. Milan Varese. At around PM the first vehicles and walking groups will reach the final area with the Brandenburg Gate as their destination. Morgenpost Online. The drag queens warmly welcome you to the New Year's Eve party in Berlin's dazzling drag show. Archived from the original on The entire program will be available on our website during July. They celebrate overcoming mechanical-acoustic sound production and going beyond heteronormative…. Location Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz. It was only from the mids that the Berlin CSD gave itself an annual motto. The epicentre of the LGBTI scene is the streets around Nollendorfplatz in Schöneberg, but the variety of offers and events is spread across the entire city and all districts. As You Fucking Like It Theatre. In the same month both Kreuzberg Pride and Gay Night at the Zoo are held. Queer feministisch betrachtet. Contrary to heteronormative readings, this tour is dedicated to the various queer connections in Hamburger Bahnhof. Birmingham Bournemouth Brighton Bristol Canterbury Cardiff Doncaster Edinburgh Glasgow Hull Leeds Leicester Liverpool London Manchester Norwich Nottingham Reading Swansea Worthing. From participants in , the number slowly grew to 5, people in