To browse Academia. Skip to main content. Log In Sign Up. Timo Thelen Kanazawa UniversitySchool of International StudiesFaculty Member. Followers Following Co-author 1. Public Views. Address: Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany less. Interests View All 6. Papers by Timo Thelen. Revitalization and Internal Colonialism in Rural Japan. Understanding fan tourists at a non-commodified fan pilgrimage site: an application of fan capital theory. Film tourism impacts: a multi-stakeholder longitudinal approach. East Asian Journal of Popular Culture It depicts the lives of the Japanese whisky pioneer Massan and his Scottish wife Ellie in pre- and post-war Japan. Thus, I suggest that this morning drama establishes an Gay Foreigner In Japan and exclusive national community for its audience, in which a seriou Download Edit. ABSTRACT This article investigates the first representation of LGBTQ characters in an asadora Ja Auf Mares Spuren durchs Hinterland. Drama Off-Screen: A Multi-stakeholder Perspective on Film Tourism in Relation to the Japanese Morning Drama Asadora. This chapter is dedicated to tourism induced by the Japanese morning drama asadoraa very popu Based on a review of Western and Japanese theories of audience participation and film tourism as well as on field research on the filming location of one recent asadora, we investigate the phenomenon of film tourism from a multi-stakeholder perspective, thereby considering the following participants: the fans as active audience, the media producers and their marketing strategies and the local communities which provide the filming locations and implement strategies for the development of film tourism. For the latter, we suggest to differentiate more clearly between the distinct parties involved. Through this more nuanced view, it becomes clear why the planning and organisation of film tourism can become a double-edged sword. General insights on the opportunities and risks of film tourism make this case study relevant also beyond the Japanese context. Local Governance of Public Transport Services. Transnational comic franchise tourism and fan capital: Japanese Attack on Titan fans travelling to Germany. Fan tourism has become a mainstream tourism trend integrated into highly commodified infrastructu However, there are also different cases in which the media producers deny any relationship and the tourism operators offer no infrastructure, yet a considerable number of fans travel to the supposed model locations, even halfway around the globe. Based on a qualitative interview study, I examine how this fan tourism movement emerged and how its development was affected by different types of fan cultural and symbolic capital like knowledge, access, and prestige. Following Oshin and Gay Foreigner In Japan. Furusato-zukuri und der Mythos der revitalisierten Peripherie: Beispiel eines Dorfes auf der Noto-Halbinsel. Real Mermaid vs. Nuclear Power Plant: Ecofeminist Vengeance and Ama Divers in Japanese Horror. This essay draws on ecofeminist theory to investigate cultural images of Japanese ama divers pro Japanese folklore traditions lack an obvious equivalent to the Western mermaid. The horror movie Mermaid Legend, however, stands out in opposition, refreshingly subverting this trope through its innovative and violent story of ecofeminist vengeance. The movie centres on an ama diver allied with Nature, who seeks revenge for her own violation as well as that of the oceanic environment which is menaced by the construction of a nuclear power plant. This article investigates the first representation of LGBTQ characters in an asadora Japanese mo
In Japan, metronormativity has rarely been discussed in academia, and if so then only indirectly, while many movies and TV series promote it as a commonly accepted belief, much like in the West. Thereafter, Japanese popular culture expert Elisabeth SCHERER Düsseldorf discussed the expansion of queer wedding ceremonies in Japan. Furusato-zukuri und der Mythos der revitalisierten Peripherie: Beispiel eines Dorfes auf der Noto-Halbinsel. However, there are also different cases in which the media producers deny any relationship and the tourism operators offer no infrastructure, yet a considerable number of fans travel to the supposed model locations, even halfway around the globe. Für Unternehmen. The next speaker, legal scholar Konstanze PLETT Bremen , discussed the trajectory of legal views on sex and gender in Germany.
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But I want everyone to be aware of this cashier making (stealing) money on foreigners like me, hoping they don't notice or say anything. Gay Girls Guide to Japan 🇯🇵💖🌸 Japan is a must-visit for queer female travelers, offering a mix of culture, cuisine, and breathtaking. This article investigates the first representation of LGBTQ characters in an asadora (Japanese morning drama), arguably the most conservative and 'traditional'. most we've visited multiple times because we. these 8 places are our tried and true spots where we have felt safe and accepted as a queer couple.Thus, I suggest that this morning drama establishes an imagined and exclusive national community for its audience, in which a serious discussion of multiculturalism and foreigners living in Japan remains absent. Need an account? This was followed by an enthusiastic discussion regarding the ambiguity of the lesbian representation that Kanno had introduced. Roland Graeme. Queer muss unbequem bedeuten. Aber wie sieht es eigentlich in Japan mit dem Thema aus? The subsequent open discussion between speakers and the audience revolved around the ideological power of the concept of family, as well as the assumption that family members should always stay together. It was done on their Machine Head tour when they were at their peak. Disaster and Salvation in the Japanese Periphery. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Diese Ansätze nennt man idealistisch beziehungsweise pragmatisch. East Asian Journal of Popular Culture , Dieses Produkt bewerten Sag deine Meinung zu diesem Artikel. Sicherheits- und Produktressourcen. Um auf die Anfangsfrage zurückzukommen, zeigen alle drei Beiträge, dass die mediale Repräsentation von LGBT zwar umfangreich und einflussstark ist, es sich aber meist um Marketingstrategien handelt, die ein gezieltes Bild erschaffen und dieses für den Kommerz nutzen. The premise of the heteronormative family was discussed as a concept that needed to be approached and relativised from cultural, social and legal standpoints. Elisabeth Scherer : Per E-Mail kontaktieren. The two-day symposium was launched with a closed session at PULS, a youth centre in Düsseldorf for young lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender persons and their friends. HHU Die Philosophische Fakultät Queerying Japan Reports and Videos. But others eagerly seek out non-Japanese sex partners, and indeed occasionally fetishize them. Spitzenrezensionen aus Deutschland. Drama Off-Screen: A Multi-stakeholder Perspective on Film Tourism in Relation to the Japanese Morning Drama Asadora. Dadurch wird der Eindruck erzeugt, dass sich in Japan etwas verändert hat in Bezug auf LGBT, aber in Wirklichkeit ist noch nichts erreicht worden, was Gleichberechtigung betrifft. Ein Problem mit diesem Produkt melden. Entdecke weitere Bücher des Autors, sehe ähnliche Autoren, lese Buchempfehlungen und vieles mehr. Rückert focused on spaces such as restaurants and bars in television dramas featuring queer characters, and discussed the functions of such settings as spaces wherein queer characters meet peers for the first time, or else as background scenery for coming-out performances. This symposium in Düsseldorf was the first such scholarly meeting and conference that was dedicated to transnational German-Japanese Queer Studies—a still narrow focus that the organisers aim to open up to encompass other countries in East Asia and Europe. Thereafter, Japanese popular culture expert Elisabeth SCHERER Düsseldorf discussed the expansion of queer wedding ceremonies in Japan. Bei wunderschönem sonnigen Wetter fand am 6. Kanazawa University Studies and Essays. All three papers in this session pointed to the need—but also to the difficulty, if not the impossibility—of fundamentally questioning hetero- and other normative concepts in order to enhance the life chances of queer subjects.