I just LOVE showing my slave how very little I think of him as a person by taking a stinking shit right into his mouth while he is licking my ass! Few things can show someone how worthless you consider him as a woman in power by making him lick your smelly asshole. All he ever experience are women laughing at him over how truly pathetic he really is. Making him lick their smelly assholes while having his face in their ass cracks, taking in and tasting their nasty shit-holes. While his tongue and mouth as back there I might as well show him how little I think of him by taking a big and Day Fikt Soen Gay Pono Kostenloss Daueronanieren shit right into his mouth. Knowing how terrible it must taste for him only arouse me so much more! DOWNLOAD THE CLIP NOW! My female slave Chanelle is at it again and this time she is pooping for you! This is the most I have ever talked while I was shitting! How I talk to them, what I say to them, how I verbally encourage them to keep eating as they see my shit sliding out of my asshole into their mouths. I give you an actual first person view of being under my toilet chair. No acting, this is actually how my training with new toilets go. As you see and smell my puckering Goddess asshole I verbally encourage you to be a good toilet for me and open your mouth wide. Be sure to check out all my other intense and kinky clips! I just came back from the gym as you can see. I suddenly need to use the bathroom, a real urge to poop. I get out of my little G-String and as I lean on the kitchen counter I give into that deep urge to push. Right there in the KITCHEN!. Was a very big shit. You can see I really had to go! I call my slave over and order him to clean up the massive mess I made, with HIS MOUTH! He shows his devotion towards me by cleaning my ass with his tongue first. Instead I stand in front of him with my beautiful body I know he admires so much. Telling him how bad it must taste to eat my shit because the smell is quite terrible. He endures harsh suffering of seeing my sexy body and all he gets Day Fikt Soen Gay Pono Kostenloss Daueronanieren my beautiful body is the shit that he is tasting now, the shit that came right out of my asshole mere seconds ago. He kept going and you will see he had a hard time. But he did it, turd for turd he consumed every last bit of my entire bowel movement of that floor. I had quite a soft and very stinky shit but my slave walked the extra mile by eating it all for me when I shit in his mouth. A nasty foul tasting one, no matter how beautiful is. I start off by letting him sniff my ass stink before I let him lick it. As the throbbing in my vagina started I gave into the urge and started masturbating. On my toilet chair my slave licks my asshole again as I start to push. I moan and breathe as I empty my bowels. Taking a soft and very stinky shit in his mouth, I even comment on the stinky smell. As soon as I was empty I did what I love most. I got up and looked down on him through the opening. As I look into his eyes, trying to suppress my orgasm I tell him how I love when he is struggling like this. Well, slaves do have to eat something, might as well eat my turds. What an honor and privilege it must be for lowly slaves to can say they were lucky enough to keep their mouths wide open under MY asshole when I take a shit. Directly, warm and fresh from her asshole into his mouth. Walking in and having a seat to give my slave a huge breakfast.
Jerk off instructions - Jerk off for my nylon feet. Notice how I close my eyes and bite my lower lip as he struggleto keep up swallowing? Februar An: Huso Betreff: Aw: Ihr Youtube Video. Want to see what I did at work earlier this week? Gekrnt von ausgezeichneter Crme brle bei der Herr Bott zwar klugscheisst, dass die Crme unten ja nicht warm sein drfe, sondern nur der karamellisierte Teil oben verlassen die beiden zufrieden das Lokal. Beginnen wir mit deinem Morgenritual.
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