That same year, the year-old King Ludwig II ascended the throne of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Aroundthe second city wall was torn down, and Munich started to expand towards the north of the city the remains of the fortifications can still be seen at Isartor, Karlstor and Sendlinger Tor. The area around the current Gärtnerplatz was also proposed for city expansion due to its proximity to Viktualienmarkt, the City Hall, and the major churches. However, frequent flooding of the River Isar delayed construction in the district untilwhen the Best Gay Sauna In Europe were fortified and most of the streams running through the city were built over to ensure flood protection. This architectural density is particularly noticeable in the summer, when the buildings store heat and the temperature in the Gärtnerplatz quarter is markedly higher than in the surrounding areas. The names for the streets here had already been chosen by King Ludwig I during the initial planning phase inand he chose these names with the intention of honouring the architects Gärtner and Klenze, the court painter Cornelius and the engineer Georg von Reichenbach. After Bavaria had become a kingdom in thanks to the support of Napoleon, the newly anointed king promulgated a constitution that was heavily influenced by the Enlightenment and therefore did not include any passages criminalising homosexuality. Between andBavaria lost its sovereignty and became part of the German Empire. How ironic that this should happen during the reign of Ludwig II, since he was gay himself! The war against France that led to the unification of Germany had been fought against the wishes of King Ludwig II, who was a pacifist and a great admirer of France. Today, luckily for us, there is only one left besides our own, and it is located on the outskirts of the city. The Deutsche Eiche has always had a diverse clientele. From toit was also said to be a favourite haunt of Adolf Hitler, reputedly a great fan of the male dancers of the nearby Gärtnerplatz Theatre, who would also meet up here. There is much evidence that Hitler himself may have been a closeted homosexual. Some say that he tightened the already severe Section of the Criminal Code in order to silence the continued rumours about his sexual orientation. As early asmany gay men were incriminated and ended up in prison or in concentration camps, where they had to wear a pink triangle. By the end of the war, the hotel already had twenty-five rooms, albeit with an extremely low level of comfort, and the quality remained low until the early 90s. When the new owners bought the property, almost no one wanted to book a room — even during Oktoberfest — as nobody wanted to share Best Gay Sauna In Europe bathroom with other guests on the same floor. Today, the Deutsche Eiche Best Gay Sauna In Europe a stylish independent hotel that fulfils many of the criteria of both the four-star and five-star categories. However, to achieve this higher standard, we would have to build more large rooms and suites. After WWII, more and more artists, set designers and a truly diverse clientele would gather at the quaint tavern. An article in the Süddeutsche Zeitung even stated that the Deutsche Eiche was popular with homosexuals. In this house, 90 per cent of my guests are artists and 10 per cent are men who have been disappointed by women! Many will remember names such as Margot Werner, Elisabeth Volkmann, Barbara Valentin and Donna Summer, to name but a few. After the war, it was Ernst Craemer, a world-renowned choreographer, who established the tradition of carnival at the Eiche. Landladies Ella and Tony would play the protagonists of the parodies that were staged here. Today, the festive tradition continues with large parties at the end of January and for Mardi Gras. On these occasions, our boys put on their dance shows — in drag, of course. In the 60s, John Cranko, the world-famous ballet choreographer, would also celebrate his successes at the Eiche, together with his team from the National Theatre. From onwards, the Deutsche Eiche became the second home of world-renowned film director Rainer Werner Fassbinder, who always celebrated the completion of his films here. In order to live as close to his regular haunt as he could, Fassbinder moved into a flat across the road Reichenbachstrasse 12 with his lover Armin, who was a waiter at the Eiche. It now houses the administrative offices of the Deutsche Eiche. Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of Queen, also lived in Munich in the 80s and liked to spend time at the Deutsche Eiche. Unfortunately, the great star then became a symbol of the new, fast-spreading disease AIDS and died in During this period, Dr Peter Gauweiler, head administrative officer for the city council, provoked uproar with a list of restrictive measures aimed at destroying all establishments that were part of the LGBT scene. Nowadays, he would probably admit that these measures were a mistake on his part. He has even explicitly praised our initiative to rebuild the Ludwig II monument. AIDS caused great alarm amongst the gay community, and many would no longer go out for fear of discrimination. The Löwenbräu brewery, owner of the Deutsche Eiche, reacted by deciding to convert the building into offices. However, this decision met with strong resistance, so, in the end, Löwenbräu decided to simply rid itself of the building. In DecemberDietmar Holzapfel and Sepp Sattler became the owners of the property.
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