Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Rate this book. The Guy 2 The Only Guy. Skylar M. Aaron Weiss knows how to escape. Years Free Gay Vater Und Yongboy, he ran from a romantic disappointment and impulsively joined the Army. Jesse Ross knows how to hide. He also knows his secret love since childhood, Aaron, only wants his good-looking, favored older brother. Yet Jesse could never completely abandon his intense feelings for Aaron. Over the years, Jesse was a faithful pen pal to him. Still, he's shocked to his core to find Aaron on his doorstep. As long-buried secrets and past hurts take center stage, the two are overwhelmingly drawn to each other. Genres M M Romance Romance Contemporary Military Fiction Audiobook Disability Contemporary Romance Loading interface About the author. Cates 27 books followers. Cates loves a good romance. She is happy to drink coffee, curl up with a good book, and not move all day. Her novels feature strong and passionate men. Skylar loves to craft stories where realistic characters are challenged with emotional situations. Although lately the laundry room is the farthest place she has visited, Skylar loves to chat with folks from all around the globe. Please feel free to follow Skylar on other social media. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of reviews. There was little angst here, but a lot of romance and tenderness, and quite a bit of steam. I have a weakness for Jewish men, especially cute, gay ones. Growing up together, Aaron and Jesse were like siblings. Aaron was six years older and treated Jesse like a little brother. At first, Jesse wants nothing to do with Aaron. Suffering from general anxiety, Jesse is a bit of a hermit and terrified of Aaron breaking his heart. I was dreading having Aaron see Gregory again, worried that Aaron would be an idiot and go for Gregory instead of seeing what was right in front of him.
Thomas in seiner Wut und Angst. How this happens? Trotzdem hinterfragt er seine Gefühle. Nachdem ich mir den Klapptest durchgelesen habe wusste ich, das Buch ist gekauft! Klasse Idee.
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Andi has had an inferiority complex since childhood and not only has to deal with it, but also with girls, feelings and genitalia in different sizes. Magnus on his journey to find artistic inspiration through Berlin, where he joins a group of dancers and. The novel follows the fourteen-year-old Andreas. Hier findest du alle Bücher, die LovelyBooks-Leser*innen mit dem Tag "gay romance" gekennzeichnet haben. Years ago, he ran from a romantic disappointment and impulsively joined the Army. Auf der Suche nach guten gay romance Büchern? Aaron Weiss knows how to escape.Lelis Vorsicht Nachsicht Recently viewed. I was getting whiplash from the eye-brow raising melodrama and there was no doubt about it that the ending soured my liking for this book. Er begegnet einem echten Vampir und kann gerade noch flüchten. I was also really glad we got to see Dean and Anthony again. Now I am going to think about this for a long time and wonder I hate to wonder GRRRRRRRR. Doch nicht nur Gregorys Reaktion auf Aarons Kuss, sondern auch Aarons Erlebnisse in der Army und im Kriegseinsatz als Hubschrauberpilot, haben seine Ansichten im Laufe der Zeit etwas geändert und seine Wahrnehmung geschärft. Rate this book. Verleugnung, Zweifel und Ängste, und somit auch der schwere Schritt zur Selbstakzeptanz sind in der Geschichte immer deutlich zu spüren. Cross Cougar Mountain Heartslayer Overall Impression: I really liked it. Top cast 14 Edit. I was dreading having Aaron see Gregory again, worried that Aaron would be an idiot and go for Gregory instead of seeing what was right in front of him. Erik ist ein stiller, einsamer Teenager, der sich selbst nicht richtig sieht und wahrnimmt. Highly recommended story and the audio is perfect. This was after the heartfelt I love yous and after the moving in together. Please feel free to follow Skylar on other social media. Ohne die selbst rebellisch veranlagte Schwester wäre Leonard sicher nicht in der Lage gewesen, über seinen Schatten zu springen. Passend zu dieser Art der Figurenzeichnung ist auch der fast nüchterne Erzählstil. He ends up back in New York living with his mom, while he figures out what the hell he is going to do now. IMDb RATING. Genauso aber auch, lässt einen die Hoffnung und Geborgenheit, aber auch die Liebe und Freundschaft nie im Stich. Einen haben Stern ziehe ich ab, da Sebastian manchmal sehr sehr nervig war. Als Aaron und Jesse nach zehn Jahren überraschend wieder aufeinandertreffen, sind sie beide nicht mehr die dummen Jungs von früher. Marco Petry Jan Ehlert Jaromir Konecny. Sehr gut gefallen haben mir auch die Nebencharaktere, die nicht nur gut ausgearbeitet wurden, sondern auch das Funktionieren der Geschichte unterstützen. Madison Clark Angel's Guardian I loved that he was scared and I adored Jesse for standing by him the way he did. In this book, not a single scene moved me. Und dann werden die Vampire Jan und Elias auf den Eindringling aufmerksam. Throw in a childhood friends-to-lovers theme and the exchange of hand-written letters, and the romance factor in "The Only Guy" is pretty high. More to explore. Auch für Sophies flippigen und ungeouteten Bruder Sebastian ist das frömmelnde Klima in seinem El-ternhaus der pure Horror. Daan Lennard Liebrenz Andi - 7 Jahre alt. Charaktere: Alex mochte ich echt gerne.