Loading ePaper. The st auction takes place on Saturday, November 16,12 pm. Crott Auctioneers Terence Howells Hammerstr. Crott Auctioneers Richard Stenning London Tel. Crott Auctioneers Costa A. Crott Auctioneers Lubomir Komarek Hanychovska Liberec 3, Czech. Crott Auctioneers Gay Filme Mit Dialon Jäger Hentinen Uudenmaankatu 23 B Helsinki, Finnland Tel. Crott Auctioneers Peter F. Planes, II Royce Estate Buyers Inc. Crott Auctioneers Shonie Herbath Shop 1, Toorak Road South Yarra, Tel. RmChinachem Golden Plaza, 77 Mody Rd. Please note that special conditions are applicable for online live bidding. Tips for the Auction Bidding at the Auction If you are planning to attend our auction in person, you will need to register during the pre-sale view or on the auction day and you will receive a numbered paddle to identify yourself. In order to avoid abuse, we kindly ask you not to leave your paddle unattended. Lots offered for sale are generally auctioned in the order they appear in the catalogue Written Bids The auctioneer accepts completed and signed absentee bids in written form, provided they are submitted to us by fax, post or e-mail before the start of the auction. Please note that for written bids the lot number, not the description is binding. Order forms are provided at the back of our auction catalogue as well as on our homepage www. Telephone Bids If you cannot attend the auction in person, you may participate by telephone. A member of Dr. Crott Auctioneers staff will contact you during the auction; different languages are being spoken. Please use the order form at the back of the catalogue for this, without stating a maximum bid and recording that this concerns telephone bidding. Please make sure you provide at least one telephone number where you can be contacted during the auction, preferably a landline. Please note that we can only accept telephone bids for lots starting with an estimated minimum bid of ,- Euros. In submitting a bid placement, the bidder declares that he agrees to the recording of the bidding process. Please note that for telephone bids the lot number, not the description is binding. Online Bidding Of course you can also take part in our auction comfortably over your browser from any computer anywhere in the world. Please register for online bidding at www. Estimates The prices indicated in the catalogue are estimates and are intended to provide a guidance for potential buyers; they cannot be considered a prediction of the actual selling price of an object. The Art Loss Register ALR is an evolving, computerized international database which captures information about lost and stolen art, antiques and collectables. All items consigned with Dr. Crott Auctioneers are carefully checked for provenance by our experts as well as with the Art Loss Register. Please refer to the Conditions of Sale at the back of the catalogue. For further interesting information pictures and videos about the watches and Gay Filme Mit Dialon Jäger in our current auction catalogue visit www. General Information and legend to symbols used in the catalogue QR code Scan the QR code to see more photographs and information on this object on our website. Mixed lot For our mixed lots we are only able to supply a detailed description with condition report and photographs of the most valuable piece in the lot; the reported condition cannot be implied for the other pieces, for which we supply at least two photographs each usually dial and movement or back and movement on our web site at www. We therefore recommend that you familiarise yourself with all customs regulations before you bid on any such object, if you intend to import the object into another country. Wristwatch straps Please be advised that straps made of material derived from endan- gered or otherwise protected species ie. We reserve the right to remove these straps prior to shipping. Dial: enamel.
Eine Playlist ist klug eingesetzt, wenn sie sich als Klangspur durch die Geschichte zieht und weitere Dimensionen von Figur, Welt oder Handlung frei-legt. In order for the dial to be used in different latitudes, the angle of the gnomon must be adjustable. Aus diesem Grund diskutiert die EU aktuell das nächste Klimaziel für das Jahr Ein kulturhistorischer Essay zur österreichischen Identität. Vortrag Marion Mehring "Biodiversität in Frankfurt". Without doubt, one such work of art is the Columna Temporis.
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Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist. Der Name Heinrich Friedrich Diez ( – ) ist unter Germanisten heute bestenfalls noch den Goethe-Forschern bekannt, denn der vielsei-. Sie dürfen das Werk für nichtkommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, verbrei-. Dass eine Doktorarbeit ein einsames Geschäft ist, muss zwangsläufig jeder erfahren, der sich einem solchem Verfahren einmal unterzogen hat. Das vorliegende Werk steht unter einer Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND Li- zenz.The edges and the sides which are open-work for better sound have been decorated with rococo-style strips and grilles. Heft , Bonn, Beck, Thomas : Bedingungen librettistischen Schreibens: Die Libretti Ingeborg Bachmanns für Hans Werner Henze. Hein, Jürgen : »Darstellung des Dialektsprechers in der neueren deutschen Dichtung. Die Operette gestern und heute. Beiträge zur Wandlung einer bürgerlich-theatralischen Unterhaltungsform im Linhardt, Marion : Residenzstadt und Metropole. Musikalische Militäreinsätze in der Wiener Moderne. Fintscher, Ludwig Hg. Kollektive Mentalitäten über die Türken in der Habsburger Monarchie der frühen Neuzeit. München, 2 Klotz, Volker : Operette. Neumünster, Ein Überblick. Ä Jud! James Upjohn moved to London in , following a disagreement with his father, and went on to establish a very successful business. Vortrag Luca Raschewski zum Forschungsprojekt PLASTRAT. Hacker, Hanna : »Staatsbürgerinnen. Isaac Thuret was one of the most important French makers. Von den Schwierigkeiten der Volkskunde mit den Juden. Vortrag Deike Lütdke "Welche Waldnutzung? Doch nicht alle Operette in drei Akten von Felix Dörmann und Roda Roda. Opern — Dichter — Operndichter. Jansen, Wolfgang : Glanzrevuen der Zwanziger Jahre. Ernst, Eva-Maria : Zwischen Lustigmacher und Spielmacher. Stuttgart, 2 In submitting a bid placement, the bidder declares that he agrees to the recording of the bidding process. The Duoplan calibre is 14 mm long, 4. Filtern nach Fösel, Karl-Richard : Der Deus ex machina in der Komödie. Fink, Monika : Der Ball.