The journal on portikus. A wide spectrum of contributions including Buddhismus Gay Facebook Covers, interviews, fictional writing or photo- and video-contributions provide a closer look on artistic interests and reflect on topics that concern our society, politics and culture. Simone Fattal, The Manifestations of the Voyage,exhibition view, Portikus, Frankfurt am Main. Photography by Wolfgang Günzel. I arrived in California in I had left behind all I had, whether in Paris or Beirut. I had left my beloved studio. I had stayed in Beirut, although the Civil War was in its fifth year, till then, Buddhismus Gay Facebook Covers because I was still painting, and partly because I had not understood that the war was never going to end. Hearing myself say this I understood that that sentence had no meaning, that the war was never going to end, I was just wasting my time, my life, waiting for it to end. In California, I had met two persons, a young woman and Buddhismus Gay Facebook Covers young man who both had started their own presses. At that time, it was still forbidden to let the adoptee know the name of his biological parents, a thing which all children end up wanting to know. Laura was a wonderful friend who gave us the use of this fantastically beautiful place in New York whenever we were going through. The editor refused the poem. That poem, I loved so much, I did not want it to be lost. In AprilEtel had a new bout of back trouble and spent a month or so in bed. The idea of publishing that poem, as a gift to her, came to me. These two persons I have just mentioned had played the role of inspiration. The young man who was living in the Bay area taught me how to make a book. Already, although it was a chapbook I wanted to have an ISBN, a Library of Congress catalog number, and a name for the press. Installation view - Simone Fattal, The Manifestations of the Voyage,exhibition view, Portikus, Frankfurt am Main. I asked Etel to draw a moon, which became the logo of the press, and another for the back cover. Etel made many drawings before we settled for the one which you find on all the books on the first page. I named it The Post-Apollo Press, an impossible name. I still receive questions about it. The feminist community decided that it meant after Apollo, the Greek god! This chapbook I took to the bookstores, I had copies in my bag and never lost an opportunity to sell it everywhere I went. I kept the slip I got from City Lights Bookstore, as to have my book there in this historical and prestigious place was magical to me. But if you translate it I will publish it. And it is really this simple sentence which led me to have a press. Because when you make a book, you have the responsibility to give it a life, and the only way is to give it companions, so that you can get distribution. We were in Junewhen the galleys started to arrive, from the East Coast where Georgina lived. Etel was sick in bed, during the whole time of the Israeli Invasion of Lebanon of that summer. So in a matter of two months I had two books, a chapbook and a novel. There was a progressive community in the U. This community had mobilized around the country against the ongoing invasion, which enabled me to meet them. The title was from a poem by June Jordan.
November bis Weird Town: Chat about any bizarre point you can think of. What web host are you using? Zum Teil ist die indonesische Gesellschaft aber nicht mehr bereit, die Passivität der Polizei bei FPI-Aktionen hinzunehmen. Another board member advised the news company that there was no consensus on the board as to whether or not it ought to take away Mr Strauss-Kahn from the top job. Enhanced with stories from Ballard's personal practice and professional experience teaching yoga in schools, prisons, conferences, and his weekly Queer and Trans Yoga class, A Queer Dharma is a guidebook, reclamation, and unapologetically queer heart offering for true healing and transformation.
NW Davis. St. #, Portland, Oregon “Perspectives on Buddhism, yoga, queer yoga, capitalism, anger, self-love, compassion, oppression, the breath, and much more fill the pages of this amazing. In the podcast program of the Innsbruck City Archive, Tobias Rettenbacher, employee of the Innsbruck City Archive, talks with guests about various topics. You have entered the Official Tina Turner Titans Zone–where fans of The Queen of Rock & Roll "Come Together" and "Stay Awhile"! Inclusive health & wellness services for people living with or affected by HIV & the LGBTQ+ community ⠀.But I never lost the goal of finding great authors. At the age of 15, she and her best friend beat her friend's mother to death. The title was from a poem by June Jordan. I think it's difficult, because then I also have, for example. With the program Flux und Reflux — A Selection of Moving Images Portikus' audience is introduced to moving image made by four contemporary artists who have a relationship to Suriname. We have taken the upcoming redesign as an opportunity to talk about the former Reichenau labor education camp. Thomas Sautner: She'll demand it if she ticks like we do. For more, visit Aesopou Fables traditional greek tavern near me. Our local tiny Main had a lot of visitors today, as soon as they put their feet into the water the gallery started to remind me moreand more of a children's playground. What are affinity groups, and why do we need them? Am In the late 90s, it acted as a center for contemporary artistic practices in Bilbao, as the Guggenheim museum did not even exist yet. Your talent to delve into challenging topics and unravel them for your readership is truly remarkable. And with a story like that, I also think to myself, okay, it's a scary story,. We then have two weeks to read the book and discuss it with you. A no san fesi e sori, ati e tyari , And Cromwell. Lovecraft's "The Horror of Dunwich". Instead they have highly effective jaws with sharp and somewhat horrifying-looking upper and decrease canine teeth. So führte die FPI im Mai eine Kundgebung durch, in der sie die Absetzung eines Lotteriespiels bei der Firma Metropolitan Magnum Indonesia forderte. Notes toward a performative theory of assembly. And what does that mean for the person when they are an adult? Peta Jensen is rather new in the porn business and is unrelated to the animal security company. And William Burroughs is also in it. Schon einige Jahre früher, im Mai , griffen FPI-Anhänger die Zentrale des Fernsehsenders SCTV an, weil dieser die Telenovela Esmeralda ausgestrahlt hatte, in dessen Plot eine boshafte Frau namens Fatima auftritt. Thomas Bayrle, All-in-One , Installation view, WIELS Contemporary Art Centre,