Build your search with words and phrases. Use any combination to refine your search. Hi there! Share Alamy images with your team and customers. All images. Live news. Search by image. Search for images Search for stock images, vectors and videos. Search with an Date Gay Black Sandton file or link to find similar images. All Creative Editorial. All Ultimate Vital Uncut Foundation. All Archive greater than 20 years old. Presidential elections south africa Stock Photos and Images 95 See presidential elections south africa stock video Date Gay Black Sandton. Presidential elections south africa Stock Photos and Images. Johannesburg, South Africa, 22nd March- Political election posters attached to polls in city centre. Johannesburg, South Africa, 7th May, An ANC election poster featuring President Cyril Ramaposhosa is seen in Emmarentia on the eve of national elections, May 8. Man inserting Flag of South Africa into ballot box, voting and elections in South Africa. Bildnummer: Datum: London, UK - Peckham. Violence breaks out on the streets of Peckham Date Gay Black Sandton south east London, between supporters of Nigerian presidential candidate Atiku Abubaker 72 and passing members of the public who launch a tirade of abuse at the protesters before a skirmish breaks out. Posters urge voters in South Africa's first multi-racial elections in to elect black activist Nelson Mandela, who won. Close-up of a dart board with an imprinted flag of South Africa in the center. The concept of achieving goals. Mmabatho - Crowds has gathered at the stadium in Mmabatho in Bophuthatswana, South Africa where Nelson Mandela will talk during his presidential campaign before the elections. Resistance of Belarus against world countries, Belarus against South Africa. Concept of the Political Conflict of Belarus between the Countries. Close-up of a dart board with an imprinted flag of Gay pride Flag of South Africa in the center. Former South African president Nelson Mandela arrives for the final election rally at the Ellis Park stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa, on April 19, Nelson Mandela made an unannounced appearance Sunday at the African National Congress' last major rally before parliamentary elections in South Africa, a boost for the party after an internal power struggle and scandals surrounding its presidential candidate. ANC President Nelson Mandela casts his vote in the black township of Oshlange, near Durban, in the first all race elections. Former South African president Nelson Mandela arrives with ANC President Jacob Zuma for the final election rally at the Ellis Park stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa, on April 19, Black activist Nelson Mandela challenged F. Mandela won. Posters urge voters in South Africa's first multi-racial presidential election in to elect black activist Nelson Mandela, who won. Former South African president Nelson Mandela arrives with the help of ANC President Jacob Zuma for the final election rally at the Ellis Park stadium in Johannesburg, South Africa, on April 19, ANC President Jacob Zuma and Previous South African President Nelson Mandela arrive at a packed to capacity Ellis Park Stadium in Johannesburg, on April 19,where Zuma rallies for support in the upcoming presidential elections which will be jeld on Download Confirmation Please complete the form below. The information provided will be included in your download confirmation. Download Cancel. Forgotten your password? Filter by agency collections. No agencies were found for this search. Filter Cancel.
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