Every year we prove anew that we can dress up - and not just at carnival! You can find the best parties on Halloween in Cologne in this article. Of course, we already have all the PARTIES FOR IN COLOGNE for you. Lisa's very personal tip for Halloween: Unroyal Tunes invites you to a Halloween party! See u there! You can't miss this! Come to the queer Halloween party and look forward to an exciting show with great artists and special acts! You won't get a stronger line-up with special guests anywhere else on Halloween than at Gebäude 9. THE UPBEATS deliver killer tracks to dance to and together with the other DJs of the evening, they create a unique atmosphere for your Halloween night! Techno Invite Special: This event brings together the entire spectrum of techno sounds! All you really need on Halloween is good music, a big dancefloor and enough Kölsch beer! Experience a night full of spooky decorations, rousing beats and goosebumps. Fun guaranteed! A free photo shoot? We won't say no to that! The playa will become a horror lodge, so come along, dress up in your scariest costume, win a prize in the costume competition and capture the whole thing with your friends in the photo box! The Halloween McFly XXL party offers plenty of variety in terms of music and location. On the huge area of the Herbrand's Ehrenfeld site, you can have fun all evening in 4 areas! From young to old - everyone gets their money's worth here! Starting with Discofox, through the Gay Halloween Party Köln and 90s to current charts, everything is included at the Halloween Generation Party! You can really rock out to punk, folk and rock at the Irish Pogo Halloween Party in the Blue Shell on Of course there are a whole lot more parties in Cologne on Nothing here for you yet? Then take a look at our website:. Of course, Halloween isn't just about parties! For all of you non-dancing enthusiasts, we also have the right events at the start! The Halloween Run is just the thing for all the running enthusiasts among us! Whether you're dressed up or not, with or without children, for fitness or fun, you can take part either way! Here you can experience your favorite comedians live - more than events in over 20 locations throughout Cologne with just 1 ticket! Not in the mood to party on Halloween? Then how about a production in the Orangery Theater's Gay Halloween Party Köln Park? You can get really spooky with the all-time favorite film classic "The Exorcist" at Cinenova. Grab some popcorn, nachos and a Coke and let the horror movie night begin. Create your free Rausgegangen account and add your event favorites to the watch list, follow locations and take part in our Lotteries so that cool events fly into your mailbox! There are plenty of special highlights for Halloween in Cologne! Many clubs offer special Halloween parties with spooky decorations and creative costume competitions. One highlight is the famous "Halloween Party Köln" at the Bootshaus, which is known for its impressive light show and international DJs. If you Gay Halloween Party Köln something more alternative, you should visit the "Gay Halloween Party Cologne" at the Venue Club, which scores with its shrill outfits and exuberant atmosphere. There are also numerous Halloween events in Cologne, such as special themed evenings in bars or haunted house tours through the city. The "Halloween Special Cologne" events in various locations also offer exciting surprises and guarantee an unforgettable night.
LGBT Events & Gay Pride Festivals and Carnival in Cologne
GAYOWEEN | | QUATER 1, Köln GEWINNSPIEL Wir verlosen - 3 x 3 FREE TICKETS für den HALLOWEEN MONSTERS BALL am in Köln. Was Ihr dafür. In kaum einer anderen deutschen Großstadt können queere Menschen so gut Party machen wie in Köln – wir stellen euch 11 richtig coole Locations vor. Gay Party in Köln. PARTY FOR GAYS &. Gay Events in KölnCologne transforms into a city full of spookiness and fun for Halloween! Things to do in The Hague. Werk 2. Das Brauhaus. Whether you're dressed up or not, with or without children, for fitness or fun, you can take part either way! In zentraler Lage in Köln bietet dieses Hotel Ausgezeichnet Panoramablick auf den Rhein.
Fantasypride 2024
Fri, Jan 24 • PM. PULS | Der Club. GEWINNSPIEL Wir verlosen - 3 x 3 FREE TICKETS für den HALLOWEEN MONSTERS BALL am in Köln. Ab 22 Uhr mit großer Fantasypride-Party. Gay party events in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany ; Temptation w/ Bambi Mercury, Glam & Glitter uvm. Queer Day im Freizeitpark bei Köln - grenzenloser Spaß, Achterbahnen, Attraktionen und Shows. im Puls Club. Gay Party in Köln. PARTY FOR GAYS &. Fantasypride @. In kaum einer anderen deutschen Großstadt können queere Menschen so gut Party machen wie in Köln – wir stellen euch 11 richtig coole Locations vor. Was Ihr dafür.Das Hotel verfügt über Zeitungen, ein Faxgerät und einen Fotokopierer, die Sie nutzen können. Schampanja , Mauritiuswall 43, Köln täglich: ab 20 Uhr. Schlegel Kultur Club. Am Wochenende legen unterschiedliche DJs Pop-Musik, Hip-Hop, 90s oder Elektro auf. Almost done. Experience a night full of spooky decorations, rousing beats and goosebumps. Die klimatisierten Zimmer und Suiten des Maritim Hotel Köln sind in warmen Farben eingerichtet. All infos for the event Halloween-Run Köln. Things to do in Rotterdam. Keine Vergnügen mehr verpassen? Come to the queer Halloween party and look forward to an exciting show with great artists and special acts! Queer Day at the amusement park near Cologne - roller coasters, attractions and shows. There are plenty of special highlights for Halloween in Cologne! Freitag, 26th, On the huge area of the Herbrand's Ehrenfeld site, you can have fun all evening in 4 areas! Entdecken Sie die besten Sehenswürdigkeiten und Aktivitäten in der Altstadt. Fri, Jan 10, PM. Things to do in Eindhoven. Home Duisburg. Nothing here for you yet? All infos for the event Halloween McFly XXL 4 Areas Trash, Hip-Hop, Rave Dante Thomas Live! Nicholas Festival Cologne Wed, Jan 1, AM. Friday at PM. Calvins Hausparty Tue, Dec 31, PM Beach Club Cologne. Wenn ihr queer feiern wollt und auf Indie steht, seid ihr bei "My Secret Garden" genau richtig: Die queere Partyreihe ist bekannt für ihre Indie-All-Time-Favorites und ausgelassene Partystimmung. Es bietet geräumige Zimmer und ein Restaurant. Du kannst den Newsletter jederzeit über den Link in unserem Newsletter abbestellen. Spoken word. Dienstag, Mai 31st, Die Chicos Event GmbH — Organisator der legendären Sexy-Partys — gehört inzwischen zu den Top-Veranstaltern internationaler Gay-Events.