Mach mich Dirty Cow Dunk Gay Sex an! The German equivalent of the English s-word is not really the same thing. Leck mich am Arsch! Setz deinen Arsch in Bewegung! What's the difference between a long line of cars [Autoschlange, "auto-snake"] and a real snake? Darn it! Zum Donnerwetter! NOTE: This is normally a very mild German epithet, but like most "bad" words, it depends on the tone of your voice and how it is said. As an interjection of acknowledgement, it is more like "My word! You don't say. NOTE: The German forms of ficken are used only in a sexual sense. Examples: "F--k him! Das ist ja geil! Any display of Nazi symbols, the swastika, Nazi flags, or Nazi-related realia is against the law in Germany. Zur Hölle mit Sie machte ihm das Leben zur Hölle. NOTE: Avoid anglicisms like was in der Hölle! Most English "hell" expressions are "Teufel" expressions in German. See: Teufel devil. Note: In some regions, this can mean a "big butt" rather than boobs. It can also mean "odd" or "strange" and might be misunderstood. A better word: lustig. Kiss my ass! M der Makkaroni -s dago, wop Italian der Makkaronifresser - dago, wop See Feindgruppen for a list of other ethnic slurs. Be careful you don't mispronounce gute Nacht with a hard "k" sound and say "good naked" instead of "good night"! See Feindgruppen for a list of other ethnic slurs. See: Karl May Books. See slang terms for "masturbation" below. The informal term is wichsen, plus many other slang words found in this glossary see below. P der Pariser condom, rubber "Parisian" der Penis -se penis die Pflaume vulgar vulva lit. Even in Germany, a Piefke is a "pompous idiot," so it is not a word to be used lightly. Ein kleiner Piefke is a "little pipsqueak. Sie ist gut gepolstert. I have the hots for him. It is important to know that the German and English versions of the s-word are not always equal. Its use in German is frequently closer to English "Damn! Although it sometimes isn't as strong a curse word as English "Sh--!
Crystal in Cow Manure pt2
ManureFetish at - Page 2 It includes vulgar, offensive, and taboo words. Fédération Française d'Athlétisme. This document provides a list of German words to avoid, along with brief definitions and explanations. Crystal in Cow Manure pt2 | ™Homemade sex daily. Wonderful Winding Words: Touring in Four Languages Chinese, English, French, German. NOTE: Avoid anglicisms like was in der Hölle! Genüsslich massierte sie sich ihre Muschi und fingerte sich auch. Die Zeit verging wie im Flug und sie musste noch zu einem anderen Termin, also griff Betty nach ihren Klamotten.
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