Jump to ratings and reviews. Want to read. Shop this series. Rate this book. Stories from the Sound 1 Gay for Pay. SmithSimone Dorner Translator. Eine Nacht, ein Fehler verändert alles … Chris Allan Roberts verliert alles, was ihm etwas bedeutet hat — seine Freundin, eine vielversprechende Zukunft als Footballspieler, ein Stipendium, seine Familie. Nur sein bester Freund Michael gibt ihm noch Halt. Chris zieht mit Michael und seinem Partner nach New York. Dort findet er durch Zufall ein Jobangebot — beim Erotiklabel All Cocks. Geld ist Geld, denkt Chris. Und wie hart kann es schon sein, einen anderen Mann zu vögeln? Lincoln Carter ist einer der Stars bei All Cocks. Und als er die Neuentdeckung Chris zum ersten Mal sieht, will er nichts mehr als eine Szene mit ihm drehen. Das Taschenbuch hat Seiten. Genres M M Romance Gay For You Romance Contemporary Audiobook M M Contemporary LGBT Loading interface About the author. Smith 27 books followers. TM Smith Author bio and links: A military brat born and raised at Ft. A Texas transplant, she now calls DFW her home. Most days she can be found curled up with a good book, or ticking away on her next novel. Smith is a single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Besides her writing, she is passionate about Autism advocacy and LGBT rights. Because, seriously people, Love is Love! Website: www. Write a Review. Create a free account to discover what your friends think of this book! Community Reviews. Search review text. Displaying 1 - 30 of reviews. Shile Hazard's Version on-hiatus. The title drew me in, the book failed to deliver the gay for pay theme. The dialogue was straight out of a bad porn movie. There was a story here but, IMHO the A Cock Tale The Gay failed big time. I don't think i will be reading the rest of the series. With the porn company being run by three understanding guys who are partners in business as well as in bed and his fellow performers being a close knit and supportive family, Chris happily becomes a gay for pay porn star. And a second chance at love isn't far away with fellow bisexual co-star Linc. What a sickeningly sweet nonsense!! I hate how porn related romance stories tend to overlook the actual inner turmoil and the difficulties that such a job entails. What a wasted chance Why even use a porn theme when all you want to show is sweet love, support, a healing environment and friendship? Is this why gay porn stars sometimes slide into a drug addiction? Why some work as escorts? Why some even commit suicide?!
Cock Tales - Gay DVD
Cock Tales Gay DVD - Pornofilme Streams und Downloads cock-sucking-boys-of-manchester/. Cock-Tail: Penis Variations Part 1: 10 (Gay Erotic Art Photography) - Zett, Leonard gebraucht kaufen! Mar 27 gay-fun-with-david-and. Gay male erotica stories involving high school age students. Tolle Bücher und alle Bestseller zum günstigen. 5K. Nifty Archive: ruralOthers may scoff it off, others may condemn it, but reading Chris and Linc opens the eyes of what that world is actually all about. The concept of a straight and a bi man, both sleeping with others on camera, finding that there's more than lust drawing them together, appealing. Beliebte Taschenbuch-Empfehlungen des Monats. Jimmy Durano sits at the bar and tells his friends about his hot stairwell encounter with Dean Monroe. I don't know if this is a true reflection of a porn studio, I'm guessing this is written as a more family-oriented studio and Chris feels much more welcome and part of something.
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Geld ist Geld. cock-watching-boy/. Tolle Bücher und alle Bestseller zum günstigen. Gay male erotica stories set in rural or rustic locales. Dort findet er durch Zufall ein Jobangebot – beim Erotiklabel All Cocks. 5K. Chris zieht mit Michael und seinem Partner nach New York. cock-sucking-boys-of-manchester/. Mar 27 gay-fun-with-david-and. Gay male erotica stories involving high school age students. Dir, Dec 2 , days-at-the-farm/. Cock-Tail: Penis Variations Part 1: 10 (Gay Erotic Art Photography) - Zett, Leonard gebraucht kaufen! 18K, Nov 18 , whatever.Chris ends up going to work for All Cocks as their newest gay for pay porn model "Kris Alen". Smith spoke with some gay porn stars to gain insight before writing this series. Smith it's light-hearted and easy read, I just didn't love it. I hate how porn related romance stories tend to overlook the actual inner turmoil and the difficulties that such a job entails. Rate this book. Kunden kauften auch. I had been waiting to see how they were going to handle working with others after deciding to be together, and I think it was done very well. I really really liked this. Chris is the guy who was sort of down on his luck ever since a bad mistake in high school cost him almost everything. I couldn't get enough of Gay for Pay by TM Smith and the amazing and beautiful characters she has created. Anmelden Startseite. Linc isn't sure what to make of the newest, unfortunately very straight, model at his company other than that he's gorgeous, and buffed, and holding a hell of a lot of pain in his beautiful eyes. Ein Problem mit diesem Produkt melden. The author does a good job showing how the cast members are treated as family along with some behind the scenes footage. Bilder in dieser Rezension. I really hope at some point we get more from them. It helps him to open up to the idea that he seems to have similar feelings about another of the actors, Linc. For those who first read the blurb, there is an immediate response of "Hell, no freaking way! I thought Chris' character had a lot of depth, and watching as he finds a new kind of family to see who he really is and take him in regardless of his past makes for a very enjoyable read. But the author takes a subject that could be considered off-key and sensitive and turns it into a quite interesting story of one man's journey to find acceptance, forgiveness, and eventually love. The title drew me in, the book failed to deliver the gay for pay theme. Author 7 books 49 followers. I wish I'd gotten a little more information and background. This story is fabulous! The stories themselves are interesting, perhaps a touch predictable in some instances, but it kept me turning the pages. His targets are his "straight" neighbors, and if he's lucky, he'll work his magic on them in order to achieve his desires. And once Chris and Linc are together, they have some real chemistry going on. Lincoln Carter ist einer der Stars bei All Cocks. Elyxyz Elyxyz. While I would have liked to learn more about the direct time after the dramatic accident, I think, that the fact, that this bad time was only mentioned, and the book focused on the time, in which Chris again took root in life, was exactly, what this book made a kind of feel good read, instead of a dark one. Wir liefern nach Deutschland. Chris did wallow in the misery but his staunch friend and supporter never allowed him to sink deeper. Of course, there's sex in the stories. Label: 21st Sextury Boys Darsteller: Randy Jones , Marcus , Don Camillo , Rod Stevens , Julien Veneziano , Paolo Ramatti , Sisco , Andy Junior , Ricky Boy , Louis White Erscheinungsdatum: I am so mad that authors touch this subject and then turn it into a Es wurden auch Bewertungen analysiert, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen.