Now, a new music video by Berlin-based rap group K. Their music toes the line between meta-stupid and just plain stupid. Good question. Hmmm… next question. His Hitler, complete with a dirty wife-beater and greasy hair, might just be one for the ages, even if not quite in the same category as Lorenzo St. DuBois But really — what is? When talking about the Third Reich and how best to remember it, Hitler-the-iconic-figure can be more of a distraction than a key to understanding and explaining things — even in satire. This could have been a great chance for a band with true hipster cred to address the tendency of young Germans who, rather than actually confronting history, make bad jokes instead. To be honest, this Jew from Germany ain't that impressed. When talking … Read more on Heeb Magazine […]. And making fun of Hitler IS a taboo in Germany even amongst the young ones. Further making fun of Hitler IS the best way to remember and deal with it. This way you take all his power and all his iconic thing he still got going for him to this day in some certain circles and show him for what he really was, a sad, lonely, drug addicted maniac. The author misses the point of that song completly. With his superficial view he fails to understand the true value of this Adolf Hitler Gay Porn. If one knows the band and their songs one set one rule: DONT TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY. KIZs music is vulgar and sometimes explicitly gross — that is correct. Now to understand their music one has to understand their favourite tools. These are: IRONY, SARCASM and SATIRE. Given that information one can start to actively think about the true aims of that song. The first comclusion to draw is: the song is not about Adolf Hitler. A daring theory considering the title the video and the story of adolf hitler in modern berlin told by himself. Infact by projecting adolf hitlers picture into the present and pointing him out as a drug addicted scumbag who has a sad life and lives in a run down flat KIZ do neither present their version of Vergangenheitsbewältigung nor is nadir. Its KIZ at what they do best and can do best. They produce a socio-critical satire about a certain group of germany. In this song neo-nazis get mocked and judged at the same time. This song also does not break a taboo in fact it is one of the first comment to the NSU. In all fairness the only blame they have to accept is that they can be missunderstood so easily. Their songs demand the effort to think outside of the box and read inbetween the lines and not just superficially judge. Saidly i must agree that most of the people do not have those abilities and thus the critic of their songs is partially right. But the critic must be under the premise that especially for young people KIZ is dangerous because they can be missunderstood so easily in the way the author has pointed it out. Still this is no excuse to present such a superficial view on their new song. The germans have the highest Adolf Hitler Gay Porn in dealing with their history, but in the school system dealing with the history and knowing many, many things about the Reich is very important. Nice journalism there. Rasputin: How is making fun of Hitler a taboo in Germany? Hermann: And I think that a lot of the Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung is superficial and self-satisfied. THT: Ich weiss.
Hitler’s Lousy Life In K.I.Z.’s “Ich Bin Adolf Hitler” Music Video
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