Suggest an edit. Eschersheimer Landstr. As I walked in there were a few guys behind the counter. There was an older gentleman who seem to be in from US who helped check me in. When asked what Flip-flop size a needed I said 12 and the white guy laughed and said I was a size screen. He said with 13 work I said no. Then he said I was exaggerating about my foot size. And spoke in German to the other guys and everyone started laughing. Needless to say I felt pretty put off by the whole experience. I did walk around the facility which looked nice. It was a Sunday night. There are no good the game people there but I would have stayed for a while but I was just so put off by the front staff that I just left. I was there about seven minutes. Definitely not going back to pay to be offended again. As my sweetie was in the hospital for some renal problems, I decided to spend my 53rd birthday in the city of my birth, Frankfurt. I have often visited the Amsterdam Sauna in Sachsenhausen. I love the friendly familiar atmosphere in the pub area and the somewhat older clientele, many regulars who obviously know each other. A similar ambiance can be found in the Atlantis Sauna in Ludwigshafen across the Rhine River from Mannheim. I was planning to try something new. My eyes were on the Metropol, right downtown where it all happens. I researched reviews and saw a few that recommended Saunawerk instead. I teetered between the two until I saw that on this particular day it was FKK. As a closet nudist, I jumped and decided to go here. I used to take it as a 2nd grader to school. The entrance is clearly marked. A pleasant entrance with a super Best Gay Sauna In Frankfurt gentleman to check you in. Of note is that when the aforementioned Atlantis Sauna has FKK days, the staff complies with the dress Best Gay Sauna In Frankfurt. The venue is very nice, clean, well kept. It was early afternoon, so not all facilities were open. The tepidarium and the "foam party" room were not yet in service till later in the evening. There is also a covered outdoor area with beach chairs. There smoking is allowed. Upstairs there are first come first serve rooms for privacy. I saw at least one private room. Common in US bath houses, these are not common in Germany. The entrance area is the hospitality area. Now to the biggest reason for the only three star rating. The clientele.
Wer es billig mag sistier genau richtig. Jetzt Kalt Recently renovated. Login Sign Up. Und am Ende einen Schock bekommen wie teuer das Getränk war.
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There are a few gay/queer bars in the so called Bermuda-Dreieck, close to the Konstablerwache, around the Alte Gasse. 88, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 13 Photos, Mon - pm - am, Tue - pm - am, Wed - pm - MAXSTRASSE 62 / HAUPTBAHNHOF · ESSEN · +49 (0) 76 · Massage-Hotline:+49(0) 76 · Öffnungszeiten siehe Eventkalender. Die Metropol-Sauna ist die größte Gaysauna in Frankfurt, direkt am Parkhaus, U- und S-Bahn Konstablerwache im Zentrum. Here are a few names: Central, Tangerine. Die Metropol-Sauna stellt Dir SAUNAWERK, Eschersheimer Landstr.In der Nacht geht es in der Woche zwar etwas langsamer zu, aber dafür ist es umso gemütlicher. Habe den Eindruck, dass der Besitzer das Maximale aus dem Laden rauspressen möchte. Auserhalb der Stunden fand ich es zu kalt. Ich war am Die alte Location war besser. I teetered between the two until I saw that on this particular day it was FKK. In der Spitze so 10 Leute. Wohl der falsche Anspruch an eine Gaysauna? Wenn weniger los ist, kann sich das in einer Stunde geändert haben. Gay Bathhouses Saunas Frankfurt - Map view. Offering also great food Located in Frankfurt Sachsenhausen, the Amsterdam Sauna Club has been runn Das ganze hat dann auch irgendwie etwas Unseriöses. Das es Leute gibt, die etwas gegen das Rauchen haben ist auch normal, dafür gibt es eine hervorragende Luftreinigungsanlage, die dann auch gleich noch andere Schadstoffe, Vieren aus der Luft entfernt. I used to take it as a 2nd grader to school. Die Metropol-Sauna stellt Dir 24 freie Kabinen zur Verfügung, sowie 3 Standardmietkabinen und eine Komfortmietkabine. Crowd: Mixed ages, but mostly young, guys. Only disappointment is smoking is allowed on the second floor. Ich kann die Kritiker nicht verstehen. Ich kann die Metropol nur empfehlen. Älteste Sauna Frankfurts. Login Sign Up. Positiv ist das sehr freundliche Personal hervorzuheben, und auch dass es einen Fitnessbereich gibt. Ich freue mich auf den Oxygen - Fashion , Shopping m. The entrance area is the hospitality area. Alle unserer Speisen werden frisch und mit viel Sorgfalt zubereitet. Das muss man einfach mal festhalten.