June Jordan was the blacksmith. She never waited around, not for anyone's permission, to write or act or be. For this book to have its birth now, in the lopsided moment when we need it most, is no chance occurrence. This great woman blacksmith is still sweetly hammering us on. Poet, activist, and essayist June Jordan is a prolific, significant American writer who pushed the limits of political vision and moral witness, traversing a career of over forty years. With poetry, prose, letters, and more, this reader is a key resource for understanding the scope, complexity, and novelty of this pioneering Black American writer. Tell me something what you think would happen if everytime they Gay Cop We& 39 a black boy then we kill a cop everytime they kill a black man then we kill a cop you think the accident rate would lower subsequently? I lose consciousness of ugly bestial rabid and repetitive affront as when they tell me 18 cops in order to subdue one man 18 strangled him to death in the ensuing scuffle don't you idolize the diction of the powerful: subdue and scuffle my oh my and that the murder that the killing of Arthur Miller on a Brooklyn street was just a "justifiable accident" again again. People been having accidents all over the globe so long Gay Cop We& 39 that I reckon that the only suitable insurance is a gun. She laid a foundation, leaving a revolutionary blueprint for poetry to transform our lives beyond the white gaze and its literary imagination. This book is not just a collection of figurative words; it is a tool for liberation. We become Jordan's intersectionality. This book is the rainbow sign after all the flooding across America. Ethelbert Miller for the New York Journal of Books. Don't you hear her beside us now, as we gaze into the dark? Doesn't holding these pages light your mind with impossible bravery? This poet-writer returns in full force at a troubling time, as if on cue, and she never backs down. Yes, indeed, we need a voice of inquiry with us at today's juncture, holding this hefty compendium that critiques the hard realities of freedom in a society that equates ideals of democracy with capitalism. The urgency of poetry is threaded through everything June Jordan laments and praises. And I know I am one of many. We're like a big choir, singing because June Jordan showed us how. Her honed and hammered out words were a hot anvil lowered to our heart tissue. She never waited around, period. Now, finally, after all these years, her great soldier's report, written from Gay Cop We& 39 many high trenches, falls at our feet in one sacred text. On every June Jordan page, her poet marching orders lift us up like Gay Cop We& 39 profound concerto and manifesto must, pulsing tenderness and tide after salty tide of truth. When I'm asked if poetry can truly change things, change a person, I think of June Jordan. And now, when someone is on the brink of giving up on poetry because they think language has no power anymore, no guts anymore, I will give them this brilliant new June Jordan Reader and they will, no doubt, find their faith and courage again. Jordan's ferocious critique of power and politeness manifested into a refusal to sanitize the world's atrocities; a timeless phenomenon we must continue today in the fight for visibility and survival. Her versatility and veracity has enthralled generations with the genius and generosity of her literary lion's he art With Jordan the personal is the political and the political has never been more beautiful and prescient as these precarious times. Jordan's poetry and prose claimed Black lives mattered before it became destiny and determination for a generation. Whether she's writing about Phillis Wheatley, Palestine, Kimako or DeLiza--or waxing poetic about her rights, June Jordan's soulscript is as necessary and nourishing as bread, water, and breathing. Her own where is where it has always been--among the people. This anthology of Jordan's collected writings could not have arrived at a better moment. It is timely reminder of how fiercely she believed that we are always the people we are waiting for. This book is a gift that can power a revolution- open, read, change the world. If you are looking for a gateway poet, a way to turn people onto the art, June Jordan is your go to. Simply the fiercest poet around. Emma Goldman and Sojourner Truth show up together, arm in arm. Joe Hill, replete with firing squad wounds is right behind them carrying a jug of moonshine. Emily Dickinson, Phillis Wheatley, and Homer himself come together singing rounds of verse. It is meant to be and is a celebration of the victory of the heart and mind over dollars and blindness. Read this book; read it five times and a seed will be planted that will grow into elegant revolution.
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