Journalists must be able to do their job without fearing for their lives or their freedom, and this is a line that should not have been crossed. It is a pattern that we are witnessing again and again in Russia. So from here, on behalf of the European Parliament, let me once again call for his immediate and unconditional release. All this is happening while the illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia continues. And here let me remind everyone that Russia has an obligation to ensure that prisoners of war are treated humanely and in all Brutal Slagen Gay Porn in accordance with the Geneva Convention. All perpetrators of war crimes will be brought to justice. This world will not forget the brutality this invasion has brought. Dear colleagues, also in the past few days we have witnessed a deterioration of the situation in Sudan. Violent clashes have already caused countless deaths and undermined efforts to ensure a democratic transition in Sudan. The European Parliament strongly condemns these violent acts and calls on all parties to cease hostilities and ensure the safety of the entire population and the stability of the country. Are there any comments? Parliament takes note of the vacancy of their seats from 3, 4 and 5 April respectively, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure. The competent authorities of Italy have also notified me of the election of Maria Veronica Rossi, Francesca Peppucci and Mercedes Bresso to the European Parliament replacing Simona Baldassarre, Luisa Regimenti and Pierfrancesco Majorino respectively with effect from 6 April The competent authorities of Finland have notified me that Laura Huhtasaari has been elected member of the national parliament of Finland. Parliament takes note of the vacancy of her seat from 12 Aprilin accordance with the Rules of Procedure. The competent authorities of Finland have also notified me of the election of Pirkko Ruohonen-Lerner to the European Parliament replacing Laura Huhtasaari with effect from 12 April I wish to welcome our new Italian and Finnish colleagues and recall that they take their seat in Parliament and its bodies in full enjoyment of their rights pending the verification of their credentials. This request is referred to the Committee on Legal Affairs. The interpretation proposed by the AFCO Committee is therefore deemed approved. The committees may therefore start the negotiations. The reports, which constitute the mandates for the negotiations, are available on the plenary webpage and their titles will be published in the minutes. Pursuant to Rule 71 2Members or political groups reaching at least the medium threshold may request in writing Brutal Slagen Gay Porn tomorrow, Tuesday, 18 April, at midnight, that the decisions be put to the vote. If no request for a vote in Parliament is made within the deadline, the committees may start the negotiations. The titles of the acts will be published in the minutes of this sitting. The final draft agenda as adopted by the Conference of Presidents on 13 April pursuant to Rule has been distributed. With the agreement of the political groups, I wish to put to the House the following proposals for changes to the final draft agenda. On Wednesday, the debate and the resolution under Rule on Iran, the case of Bernard Phelan and the case of Toomaj Salehi are taken off the agenda. We will now move to the changes requested by the political groups, starting with Tuesday. I give the floor to Manfred Weber to move the request on behalf of the EPP Group. Manfred Weber, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. Die Migrationszahlen in Italien sind im Vergleich zum letzten Jahr um Prozent gestiegen. Das zeigt, wir haben eine Sondersituation. Italien hat einen Notstand ausgerufen, und das gibt keinen guten Ausblick auf das, was Brutal Slagen Gay Porn dieses Jahr im Sommer erwarten wird. Deswegen glauben wir, dass es jetzt wichtig ist, über die Situation dort zu diskutieren. Andere Länder der Europäischen Union haben angeboten, Italien zu helfen und zu unterstützen. Bisher ist das aber nicht materialisiert worden, es ist nicht konkret geworden.
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