Using recently discovered film segments, still photos and censorship documents from different archives, Filmmuseum München has resurrected this truly groundbreaking silent film. Köhler, Dr. Hermann Beck - Cast: Conrad Veidt, Reinhold Schünzel, Fritz Schulz, Magnus Hirschfeld - Produced by: Humboldt-Film GmbH, Berlin - Premiere: November 16,Berlin Beba-Palast Atrium - Rekonstruction: Filmmuseum München - Edited by: Stefan Drössler - Music: Günter A. GmbH - Premiere: October 24,Berlin Tauentzien-Palast - Reconstruktion: Filmmuseum München - Edited by: Stefan Drössler - Image restoration: Thomas Bakels - Music: Joachim Bärenz - Sound recording: Gunther Bittmann, Ernst Schillert About Different than the Others Enacted inthe German penal code's Paragraph sentenced thousands of accused German homosexual men to jail terms for "unnatural vice between men. Magnus Hirschfeld created a film intended to expose the unjust Paragraph and help liberate the "third sex" from legal persecution and public scorn. Different From the Others casts Conrad Veidt as Paul Körner, a gay concert pianist blackmailed by a closeted low-life named Bollek. When Körner's budding romance with a handsome young music student runs afoul of Bollek's extortion, Körner goes to the German courts for protection. But the draconian Paragraph makes criminals out of both accuser and accused, and the love Körner has found costs him his career and his freedom. Conrad Veidt's uncompromising performance the same year as his legendary portrayal of Cesar the somnambulist in Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari places a human face on Hirschfeld's reformist fervor and Oswald's tragic melodrama. In its frank depiction of gay bars, closeted homosexuality, and the suffocating expectations of straight society, Different From the Others is both a fascinating time capsule and a remarkably modern cinematic plea A 7 Gay Buchwald tolerance and change. Part of the film's impact also came from this outstanding new restoration. Unlike some restored DVDs, which look unreal in their new-found digital perfection, some minor scratches have been retained. What we see probably looks like what audiences saw in the original theatrical run oftiny imperfections and all. Although many of the major dramatic scenes are intact, the intertitles and archival still photos summarizing missing footage is a stark reminder of the power of censorship. Oddly, one reason I found the film so involving was because of its strange hybrid form. It forced me to experience the work simultaneously as a film, which I could watch, and as something like a novel. For the missing scenes, we have to read the intertitles and instantly imagine what has been lost. That was surprisingly easy to do because the lead actors' performances and the director's visual style were both strong and consistent. The superb musical score also helped keep the entire film flowing, unifying the transitions from full scenes to summarized ones. Obviously, seeing the complete film would be optimal - but it no longer exists; and Stefan Drössler of the Filmmuseum München has done the best possible job in making all of the disparate surviving elements work together. I hope you will not be put off by the mixed form of this film; this is a work of enormous historical importance but also of real emotional power. Although some viewers might dismiss the picture as "gay propaganda," I was impressed by A 7 Gay Buchwald heartfelt passion of Oswald and Hirschfeld - not only for their admittedly didactic theme but for bringing their characters to life, with the aid of an exceptional cast. Perhaps their success in humanizing what was to most people a rarely-mentioned "social problem" is what made this film especially threatening to the Nazis. Jim's Reviews DVD 1 Anders als die Andern52' Piano score by Joachim Bärenz Gesetze der Liebe. Aus dem Tagebuch eines Sexualwissenschaftlers' Music score by Günter A. Buchwald Gefährliche Neigungen - Die Skandalgeschichte von "Anders als A 7 Gay Buchwald andern"7' DVD 2 Different from the others52' Piano score by Joachim Bärenz Geschlecht in Fesseln' Klavierbegleitung von Joachim Bärenz Original documents by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld and a letter exchange between Richard Orwald and Veit Harlan, the director of Anders als du und ich as ROM features only in German. You are here: Home Culture Film, television, radio Film catalogue and regional film archives worldwide Films. Film catalogue About the film catalogue. Return to Overview. IN Number IN A C D E B Short Text. Long Text. Production Period Production Year Scope of Rights Nichtexklusive nichtkommerzielle öffentliche Aufführung nonexclusive, noncommercial public screening ,Keine TV-Rechte no TV rights Licence Period Available Media DVD Original Version German de DVD Subtitles English en.
Die Niedenburg zu Gondorf nr Long Text. Institutional subscriptions. Hacking, Ian. Potulice nr
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A guide to therapy with gay and lesbian clients. Two major changes have oc- curred in the social conditions affecting the introduction of in- novations: the. Society 7, no. The Goethe-Institut film archive: important works in their original versions with subtitles - for film libraries, festivals and educational institutions. 16 tomów z litografiami i tekstami opisów rezydencji w Prusach. Greene, B. (Ed.) (). Ethnic and cultural diversity among lesbians and gay men. 3 (September ). New York: Haworth.Production Period Production Year Parkplatz an der A7 1 zwischen Kreuz Erfurt und Erfurt Bindersleben. Das Schloss in Bernstadt nr Zur Treppe, dann die Böschung runter. Rotterdam: Bazendijk, Die Anmeldung ist kostenlos und verpflichtet Dich zu nichts! Rodeland nr Google Scholar Sachse, Hermann. Skip to main content. Google Scholar Klein, Ursula. Google Scholar Jorgensen, Sophus Mads. Klein, Ursula. Viele der Locations werden sowohl im Sommer als auch im Winter besucht. Tee, Espresso, Kuchen u. Jim's Reviews DVD 1 Anders als die Andern , 52' Piano score by Joachim Bärenz Gesetze der Liebe. Weitere Infos, Karte und Forum 22 Einträge für Parkplatz Dolmar A7 1 Richtung Erfurt in Meiningen Cruising Rastplatz A7 3 bei Eisfeld D- Coburg Rastplatz an der A7 3 bei Eisfeld. Sowohl Fans von Rast- und Parkplätzen als auch diejenigen, die Lust auf Sex in der Natur, zum Beispiel am See, haben, kommen hier auf ihre Kosten. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, Parkplatz hinter AS Bad Bramstedt "Sielsbrook". Bangert nr Parkplätze zwischen Northeim-Nord und Northeim-West in beiden Richtungen. Gerade dann, wenn du dich für einen Ort mit einem angrenzenden Wald entscheidest, bieten Büsche und Co. Potulice nr A 7 0 Bamberg-Schweinfurt, direkt in der Ausfahrt Bamberg-Hafen geht rechts ein Weg rein. Aufgrund der Vielzahl an Cruisingoptionen, die an bzw. Caligari places a human face on Hirschfeld's reformist fervor and Oswald's tragic melodrama.