In the unlikely event that the author did not sen d a com plete manuscript and there are m issing p a g es, th e se will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMI U Published by ProQ uest LLC Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States C ode. ABSTRACT This interdisciplinary thesis is the first dedicated study o f German Jewish patronage o f French Impressionist and post-impressionist art in Wilhelmine Germany. It investigates the disproportionately strong impact o f German Jewish patronage from three perspectives. The French model serves as a basis for understanding the reception o f such art amongst a Anna Ewers Hanne Gay Odilie circle o f Germans and German Jews. Yet, in the long run, German Jewish taste for the avant-garde had as much influence on German modernism as German taste had on Jews. The study concludes that strong German Jewish patronage changed the modem art market irrevocably and by doing so it was not Anna Ewers Hanne Gay Odilie a turning point for the writing o f modem art histories, but also for the reassessment o f German Jewish cultural identities, thereby proving that the history o f modernist European art patronage encompassed also a history o f ideas. CH A Anna Ewers Hanne Gay Odilie V German Jewish Art Benefactors to the Nationalgalerie Berlin, the Neue Pinakothek, MUnchen and the Stadelsche Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt am Main Appendix A 2 Kunstsalon Cassirer Exhibition Programme and Cultural Events Addendum: Vincent van Gogh. A ppendix A 4 German-Jewish Collectors and French Modernist Art Collections. At University College, London, I wish to thank my primary supervisor Dr. Michael Berkowitz Department o f Hebrew and Jewish Studies and my secondary supervisor Prof. Martin Swales, Department of German both o f whom have in their very different ways, offered invaluable guidance, support and criticism. I also wish to thank Prof. Griselda Pollock Department o f Fine Art and Centre for Cultural Studies and Dr. Eva Frojmovic Centre o f Jewish Studiesboth at the University o f Leeds as well as Dr. Annette Weber, foremerly at the Frankfurt Jewish Museum now at the University o f Heidelberg, all of whom inspired me during the early stages o f this project to formulate and explore questions that were to prove the basis o f this research. Amongst Ph. In the United States of America, I am particularly indebted to Prof. Michael Steinberg Centre for German Cultural Studies at Cornell University, Ithaca, N. I particularly want to highlight Prof. I am particularly grateful to Robert Gore Rifkind whose generous endowment enabled Timothy O. I would Anna Ewers Hanne Gay Odilie like express my thanks to the librarian Susan Trauger and her Assistant Registrar Christine Vigiletti for their expert assistance. I am also indebted to the dedicated staff at the German and European section o f the Green Library, which holds the Cassirer Collection at the Cummings Art Library Department o f Special Collections at the Stanford University Archives at Palo Alto, California. I particularly remember the welcome extended to me by Helen Solanum at the Central and West European Holdings at the Hoover Institution. During my regular research visits to Germany, I was always welcomed by the archival staff at the Stadelsche Kunstinstitut, Frankfurt am Main, who generously allowed me access to their valuable Documentation Library. Here I particularly want to thank Dr. Martin Sonnabend, who rescued me one dark winter afternoon after I stepped out o f the library into a violent snow blizzard and found the Museum Park and its exit covered in a white blanket. My sincere thanks go to all the staff at the Berlin Nationalgalerie Archives of the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, with particular mention of Jorn Grabowski, who was always ready to answer my endless questions and comply with requests for files and documents. I owe a special thanks to Prof. Thomas Gaetghens at the Freie Universitat Berlin, who not only gave me o f his valuable time, but crucially allowed me access to folders o f his University seminars on German and German-Jewish collectors o f French Impressionism. Finally, also in Berlin, a long pursued meeting with Stefan Pucks confirmed the importance o f my interdisciplinary study that has remained unexplored in any depth by German art and cultural historians. In Los Angeles, I was graciously hosted by Renate Morrison, the grand-daughter o f Paul Cassirer; in London I was welcomed at the home o f the grand-daughter o f Bruno Cassirer, Dorothea Kauffmann, and her husband Prof. Michael Kauffmann, the retired director o f the Court auld Institute o f Art. Also in London, at the British Museum, I met Irene Sychrava, the grand-daughter o f Ernst Cassirer, who not only gave me real insight into her extended family, but also put me in touch with other members o f her family in Sweden. Whilst they all gave generously o f their time and recaptured memories and family anecdotes, for me, these personal links to Wilhelmine Jews were true bridges to a past world come alive.
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Items where Subject is "UZH Dissertations" Kalliope ist ein Verbund für die Erschließung von Archiv- und archivähnlichen Beständen und nationales Nachweisinstrument für Nachlässe und Autographen. This interdisciplinary thesis is the first dedicated study of German Jewish patronage of French Impressionist and post-impressionist art in Wilhelmine Germany. Bibliographie in: Gartenkunst im SpielfilmUltima Sicilia. Morphological facilitation of transversal chewing movements in mammals and chewing, dentition and tooth wear in Hippopotamidae Hippopotamus amphibius and Choeropsis liberiensis. HOLLIS Candela, Iria, et al. Computational implications of the muscle synergy hypothesis. Genrekonstituierende Untersuchungen unter anglo-amerikanischem Einfluss, Feest, Christian F.
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New York Mills. This interdisciplinary thesis is the first dedicated study of German Jewish patronage of French Impressionist and post-impressionist art in Wilhelmine Germany. Kalliope ist ein Verbund für die Erschließung von Archiv- und archivähnlichen Beständen und nationales Nachweisinstrument für Nachlässe und Autographen. Now that the semester is over, we've taken down the course reserves and given the New Books display a bit more room to spread out. Ewers () Hans-Heino Ewers: „Kinder der Natur, Kinder Gottes Gay and Lesbian History from to the Pre- sent.HOLLIS Feest, Christian and C. Ennemoser, Joseph 3. Badertscher, Nina. HOLLIS Ball, Katherine Brewer and David Frantz, eds. HOLLIS Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico, ed. HOLLIS Graschopf, Birgit, HOLLIS Agramunt Lacruz, Francisco, author. Dolle-Weinkauff, Bernd: Rez. Erzählung, Bild und Objekt in der volkskundlichen Forschung. Biron-Curland, Karl 1. In: Fabula 34 sq. HOLLIS Klein, Inga, Nadine Mai, and Rostislav Tumanov, eds. August III. The Fragment as a Metaphor o f Modernity. In: Fabula 35 Bartsch, Alice: Die Märchenverfilmung "Morozko" "Väterchen Frost" als sowjetische Operette. Gifts and Prayers: The Romanovs and Their Subjects. Motiv - Form - Entwicklung, Documentary photographs show a modernist interior, Art Nouveau furniture and Jugendstil objects. Günther: Rez. Arendal : Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall, []. HOLLIS Braconi, Matteo, author. In: Fabula 32 Düwel, Klaus: Rez. In: Fabula 32 Bäcker, Jörg: Rez. He supported the republican G am betta, C lem enceau and G eoffrey w ho met regularly at his salon. Bruns, Paul Jakob 1. More recent explorations of the commitment of German Jews to European culture and the arts provide important new insights, although they often do not examine a microcosm, which would yield a better understanding o f a larger macrocosmic world. Eventyrets virkelighed. Ein archaisches Mythenbild vom Bau der Welt, Comparativism in art history. Geographische Übersicht. D egas reveals the camaraderie between the tw o m en, but also em phasises the contrasts o f age, type and character. Guinea pig Cavia porcellus drinking preferences: do nipple drinkers compensate for behaviourally deficient diets? South of Pico : African American artists in Los Angeles in the s and s. In: Fabula 37 Britsyna, Olesya: Anecdotes, Jokes and Jests in Everyday Communication. In: Fabula 30 Assion, Peter: Rez. Clark, James 2.