In Germany, Pride month ,— also commonly known as Christopher Street Day CSD in German— is celebrated every June since However, in Juneinstead of the internationally established hashtag Pridemonththe hashtag Stolzmonat was instead highly visible across German-language Twitter. This Digital Dispatch analyses what we refer to as the Stolzmonat- campaign on Twitter. Furthermore, the user ISD identified as having initiated this campaign prompted other users to create their own profile pictures to counter the commonly used rainbow-coloured profile picture overlays that are popular during the month of June. The Twitter Stolzmonat -campaign likely originated in late May Although the first tweet with the word on 23 May, does not appear to be linked to what we are referring to as the Stolzmonat -campaign and instead seems to be an unrelated use of the German translation, referring to the actual Pride month. The origins of the campaign can be traced to a tweet from 25 May which initiated the idea of using a profile picture overlayed in seven colour shades which resemble the three colours of the German flag black, red and yellowinstead of the common Pride Month profile picture overlay with panels of rainbow colours, in addition to the hashtag. To get a better understanding of the proportion of harmful and non-harmful content that were spread during the campaign, ISD analysed the 10 tweets with the term or the respective hashtag with the largest reach for each day in June The remaining posts comprised media reporting about the campaign and general counter speech against the campaign. During Junethe use of the term and its respective hashtag increased exponentially with a total ofmentions in German-language tweets by the end of the month. Of the tweets that could be geolocated, 84 percent were sent from Germany. The start of the campaign garnered considerable attention, as tweets containing the term or the hashtag soared from a few thousand mentions in May to nearly 43, mentions alone on 1 June, the first official day of the campaign. The associated hashtag Stolzmonat was also extremely popular among adherents of the campaign, being retweeted nearlytimes. According to the Twitter Trending Archivethe hashtag Stolzmonat ranked continuously among the top-five trending German hashtags in the first five days of June. The Stolzmonat -campaign initiated on 25 May when introduced by a private Twitter account with just over 20, followers. This person associated with this account gave an interview with the pro-AfD newspaper Junge Freiheit as the initiator of the campaign, in which they reiterated the idea. Later that day, the idea was picked up by the regional Twitter account of the AfD chapter of Wuppertal, who used the hashtag Stolzmonat for the first time on Twitter. Punctually on the 1st [of June], we could all use this D-flag spectrum as a profile picture to own the libs, as they say. We join the celebration and wave our colours together[2]. From the very beginning, the Stolzmonat -campaign was strongly promoted by official party accounts of the AfD, as well as by individual AfD politicians. On 1 June, the three tweets with the greatest reach all came from AfD-related accounts. It seems that the AfD may have quickly realised the potential of the Stolzmonat -campaign and attempted to capitalise on it. The AfD began to actively shape the campaign with one of the overall most retweeted posts from the period analysed. This adaptation of the hashtag expressed clear criticism As A Black Gay Man Twitter the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz, and ended up becoming the third-most shared hashtag after the As A Black Gay Man Twitter Stolzmonat and Stolzstattpride. The impact of the AfD on the Stolzmonat -campaign is further highlighted by the fact that the online membership application form of the AfD was highly shared among Stolzmonat- related tweets. We heartily support this As A Black Gay Man Twitter Black, Red, Gold is colourful enough! Figure 5: Tweet by the official AfD party account. For this reason, too: Pride instead of Scholz! Stolzmonat ThereforeAfD AfD. In addition to AfD and other well-known far-right actors such as the media outlet Compact Magazin or the former Austrian vice-chancellor Hans-Christian Strache, lesser-known far-right bloggers with a medium reach also played a significant role in promoting the Stolzmonat campaign. Throughout June, they remained highly active, engaging in debates and creating and disseminating various memes and pictures with the term Stolzmonat or corresponding slogans. Despite their medium reach, these bloggers exerted a significant impact on the campaign, accounting for nine of the 10 most mentioned Twitter accounts during the campaign. In total, they posted 5, Tweets on average per blogger during the campaign analysis. These accounts had a combined following ofChange your profile picture and show your colours — in a few minutes it starts! By and large, Stolzmonat -related tweets came predominantly from Twitter accounts with a relatively limited reach. Amongst the accounts with the most Stolzmonat -related posts, only the account of the initial user who began the campaign possessed more than 10, followers at the time of analysis. Excluding the account of this initial user, the rest of the accounts had an average of 1, followers. An analysis of the 10 most active accounts reveals that all of them expressed far right beliefs as understood through racist language, anti-immigrant and anti-Islam sentiments, climate change denial, COVID and vaccine scepticism, as well as conspiratorial beliefs. All 10 accounts were found to express strong support for the AfD. Lastly, it is also noteworthy that the Stolzmonat -campaign was not only driven by its supporters but also by opponents and accounts considered, such as journalists and newspapers, which used the hashtag while reporting on the campaign. In fact, the two posts with the greatest reach during June can be classified as counter speech. As such, these users may have also inadvertently contributed to the dissemination of the campaign. The Stolzmonat -campaign featured a relatively high degree of coordination.
Derek Chadwick on Twitter
The #Stolzmonat, a German-language, far-right countercampaign against Pride month - ISD Age: 18+. black gay man-Vektorgrafiken und Grafiken sind lizenzfrei zum Download verfügbar. Siehe black gay man Stockvideo-Clips. No longer here. She/her. Nächster Punkt auf Roxane Gays Agenda: ein Podcast, der von großartigen Gesprächen lebtDie New York Times -Bestsellerautorin Roxane Gay hat sich noch nie gescheut, ihre Meinung zu sagen oder ihre Seele zu offenbaren. AP: Welchen Rat würdest du einer Person geben, die versucht, sein:ihr Podcasting zu verbessern? From the very beginning, the Stolzmonat -campaign was strongly promoted by official party accounts of the AfD, as well as by individual AfD politicians. As such, these users may have also inadvertently contributed to the dissemination of the campaign. Lastly, a less salient but nevertheless important narrative was networking with like-minded people. And you?
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The guy here (possibly a North Korean) tries to shoot down the drone but instead hits his comrade. No longer here. Siehe black gay man Stockvideo-Clips. Age: 18+. She/her. mehr. black gay man-Vektorgrafiken und Grafiken sind lizenzfrei zum Download verfügbar. It is a even a sunflower field. Black Twitter Is Coming to Destroy Shannon Sharpe #ShannonSharpe #TotalWine #Wine #LGBT #Trans #Gay #JasonWhitlock #Fearless #BlazeTV.According to the Twitter Trending Archive , the hashtag Stolzmonat ranked continuously among the top-five trending German hashtags in the first five days of June. Die "Threads" genannte App wird seit Montag in App-Stores in verschiedenen Ländern aufgeführt und soll in den kommenden Tagen heruntergeladen werden können. Agender Pride Flag Someone who is agender doesn't identify with any gender. Jedoch wird Threads wohl ausnahmslos unter der Gewalt von Meta sein. The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. We join the celebration and wave our colours together[2]. Ich bin entsetzt. Feedback an Redaktion queer. Daran bin ich interessiert. Geld ist nicht alles, aber ich glaube wirklich, wenn du deine Produzent:innen, Studiotechniker:innen und Redakteur:innen bezahlst, warum solltest du dich dann nicht selbst bezahlen? Ob in ihren Büchern oder in ihrem Twitter-Feed , Roxane zerschlägt unverblümt frauenfeindliche Klischees und schwärmt von dem, was sie gerade liest und sieht. Gespräche mit Creator:innen. Modern neo-Nazi accelerationism, influenced by James Mason's Siege, blends violence with activism. Change your profile picture and show your colours — in a few minutes it starts! Bisexual Pride Flag This flag was created by activist Michael Page in Genderqueer Pride Flag Marilyn Roxie designed this flag in Auch hinsichtlich von LGBT-Themen und Hetze, wodrinne ja FB schon schlecht war. It seems that the AfD may have quickly realised the potential of the Stolzmonat -campaign and attempted to capitalise on it. This flag was created in to give representation to black and brown people in the LGBTQ community and their experiences. Roxane: I wünschte, ich hätte gewusst, wie zeitaufwendig es ist. Roxane: Manuskripte sind wichtig. In total, they posted 5, Tweets on average per blogger during the campaign analysis. AP: Welchen Rat würdest du einer Person geben, die versucht, sein:ihr Podcasting zu verbessern? This flag was created in by Morgan Carpenter. On the other hand, the vast majority of Twitter users who engaged in the campaign expressed support for the AfD. Gewinnspiel Dimosthenis Prodromou Kalender Deine Zeit ist wertvoll. Figure The tweet features an edited picture showing the results of a poll of the main German political parties on 3 June Ich möchte etwas über die Person erfahren, die wegen der Art und Weise, wie sie auf einen Zahnstocher malt, eine Menge besessener Anhänger:innen hat. On the day of his election, on 23 June, the hashtag Sonneberg was used over 5, times in Stolzmonat -related posts. Excluding the account of this initial user, the rest of the accounts had an average of 1, followers. On the one hand, this narrative allowed for a self-victimisation and the portrayal of a silent majority, as several tweets claimed that mere pride in their own country would automatically be equated with the imputation of holding far-right beliefs and subsequent marginalisation. As such, these users may have also inadvertently contributed to the dissemination of the campaign. Gespräche mit Creator:innen Lemonada-Podcasts: Therapie, die du abonnieren kannst. Considering the undermining effect on democracy and human rights, this Digital Dispatch underscores that efforts to tackle extremism and hatred should remain an urgent concern of politics. Gay Men Pride Flag This flag symbolises the attraction of men to each other and the diversity of the gay community.